Search results for References by emslie, r.
t Sas Rolfes, M.; Emslie, R., 2024. African rhino conservation and the interacting influences of property, prices, and policy. Ecological Economics 220:108123: 1-16 -


t Sas Rolfes, M.; Emslie, R.; Adcock, K.; Knight, M., 2022. Legal hunting for conservation of highly threatened species: The case of African rhinos. Conservation Letters 2022; e12877: 1-9 - https://DOI: 10.1111/conl.12877


t Sas Rolfes, M.; Emslie, R.; Adcock, K.; Knight, M., 2022. Legal hunting for conservation of highly threatened species: The case of African rhinos. Conservation Letters 2022; e12877: 1-9 - https://DOI: 10.1111/conl.12877


Emslie, R., 2020. Ceratotherium simum, white rhino. In: IUCN 2020. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. <>: pp. 1-17


Emslie, R., 2020. Diceros bicornis, black rhino. In: IUCN 2020. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. <>: pp. 1-15


Emslie, R., 2020. Red List, supplementary information: African Rhinos (Ceratotherium simum and Diceros bicornis, including the subspecies). In: IUCN 2020. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. <>: pp. 1-54


Emslie, R.H.; Milliken, T.; Talukdar, B.; Burgess, G.; Adcock, K.; Balfour, D.; Knight, M.H., 2019. African and Asian rhinoceroses - status, conservation and trade. A report from the IUCN Species Survical Commission (IUCN/SSC) African and Asian Rhino Specialist Groups and TRAFFIC to the CITES Secretariat pursuant to Resolution Conf. 9.14 (Rev. CoP17). Report to CITES 17th meeting (Colombo, June 2019), CoP 18 Doc.83.1 annex 3: 1-38


Balfour, D.; Shaw, J.; Banasiak, N.; Le Roex, N.; Rusch, U.; Emslie, R., 2019. Concise best practice guidelines for the biological management of African rhino. Johannsburg, WWF-SA, pp. 1-123


Adcock, K.; Knight, M.; Emslie, R.; Houwald, F. von, 2018. Assessment of the Buffalo Dream Ranch captive breeding operation's white rhino population status and performance. IUCN SSC African Rhino Specialist Group, pp. 1-53


Cooney, R.; Freese, C.; Dublin, H.; Roe, D.; Mallon, D.; Knight, M.; Emslie, R.; Pani, M.; Booth, V.; Mahoney, S.; Buyanaa, C., 2017. The baby and the bathwater: trophy hunting, conservation and rural livelihoods. Unasylva (An international journal of forestry and forest industries) 68 (249): 3-16


Emslie, R.; Knight, M., 2016. Prince William is talking sense - trophy hunting is crucial to conservation. African Indaba e-Newsletter 14 (2): 5-6


Emslie, R.H.; Milliken, T.; Talukdar, B.; Ellis, S.; Adcock, K.; Knight, M.H., 2016. African and Asian rhinoceroses - status, conservation and trade. A report from the IUCN Species Survical Commission (IUCN/SSC) African and Asian Rhino Specialist Groups and TRAFFIC to the CITES Secretariat pursuant to Resolution Conf. 9.14 (Rev. CoP15). Report to CITES 16th meeting (Johannesburg, September-October 2016), CoP 17 Doc.68 annex 5: 1-21


Knight, M.H.; Emslie, R.H.; Smart, R.; Balfour, D., 2015. Biodiversity management plan for the white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum) in South Africa 2015-2020 - draft. South Africa Government: pp. 1-84


Emslie, R., 2014. How many rhinos are there?. The Horn Spring 2014: 18-19


Emslie, R.H.; Knight, M.H., 2014. Update on African rhino status and trends: from IUCN SSC African Rhino Specialist Group (AfRSG). Report to CITES Standing Committee 65th meeting: pp. 1-6


Emslie, R., 2014. 65th CITES Standing Committee meeting. The Horn Autumn 2014: 12


Knight, M.H.; Balfour, D.; Emslie, R.H., 2013. Biodiversity management plan for the black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis) in South Africa 2011-2020. Government Gazette (South Africa) no. 36096 (25 January 2013): 5-76


Emslie, R.; Adcock, K., 2013. Diceros bicornis, Black rhinoceros. In: Kingdon, J. & Hoffmann, M. (eds) 2013. Mammals of Africa, volume V: Carnivores, Pangolins, Equids and Rhinoceroses. London, Bloomsbury Publishing, pp. 455-466


Emslie, R.H., 2013. African Rhinoceroses – Latest trends in rhino numbers and poaching. African indaba, e-newsletter 11 (2): 11-12


Duffy, R.; Emslie, R.H.; Knight, M., 2013. Rhino Poaching: How do we respond?. London, Evidence on Demand, pp. 1-35


Standley, S.; Emslie, R., 2013. Population and poaching of African rhinos across African range states. London, Evidence on Demand, pp. 1-19


Emslie, R.H.; Knight, M.H., 2012. Update on African rhino from IUCN SSC African Rhino Specialist Group (AfRSG). Report to CITES: pp. 1-4


Emslie, R.H., 2012. Ceratotherium simum. In: IUCN. 2012. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2012.2. <>, pp. 1-9


Emslie, R., 2011. African rhino SG. Species 53: 16-17


Knight, M.H.; Balfour, D.; Emslie, R.H., 2011. Biodiversity management plan for the black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis) in South Africa 2010-2020. Government Gazette no. 34304 (24 May 2011): 4-69


Talukdar, B.K.; Emslie, R.; Bist, S.S.; Choudhury, A.; Ellis, S.; Bonal, B.S.; Malakar, M.C.; Talukdar, B.N.; Barua, M., 2011. Rhinoceros unicornis. In: IUCN 2011. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2011.1. <>


Emslie, R.H.; Knight, M.H., 2011. African rhino status and trends: from IUCN SSC African Rhino Specialist Group (AfRSG). WAZA News 2011 (4): 8-11


Emslie, R.H., 2010. African Rhino SG. Species 52: 13


Emslie, R.H.; Amin, R.; Kock, R., 2009. Guidelines for the in situ reintroduction and translocation of African and Asian rhinoceros. Occasional Paper of the IUCN Species Survival Commission no. 39: i-v, 1-115


Emslie, R., 2009. Lipstick, hula-hoops and a metal-detector. The Horn Autumn 2009: 12


Milliken, T.; Emslie, R.H.; Talukdar, B., 2009. African and Asian rhinoceroses: A report from the IUCN Species Survical Commission (IUCN/SSC) African and Asian Rhino Specialist Groups and TRAFFIC to the CITES Secretariat pursuant to Resolution Conf. 9.14 (Rev. CoP14) and Decision 14.89. Report to CITES 15th meeting (Doha, March 2010), CoP 15 Doc.45.1A annex: 1-18


Emslie, R., 2008. You are what you eat. The Horn Spring 2008: 26


Emslie, R.H., 2008. Rhino population sizes and trends. Pachyderm 44: 88-95, tabs.1-4


Emslie, R.H., 2007. Rhinos, football and investment management. The Horn Newsletter 2007 Spring: 6-7, fig. 1


Emslie, R.H.; Milledge, S.; Brooks, M.; Strien, N.J. van; Dublin, H.T., 2007. African and Asian rhinoceroses - status, conservation and trade: Annex 1, pp. 6-22

 In: CITES Secretariat Interpretation and implementation of the Convention - Species trade and conservation issues: Rhinoceroses. Report to CITES 14th meeting (The Hague, June 2007), CoP 14 Doc.54: 1-26


Emslie, R.H., 2007. Rhino issues at CITES CoP14. Pachyderm 42: 116-119


Adcock, K.; Emslie, R.H., 2007. Monitoring African rhino: trainee's guide. Pietermaritzburg, IUCN SSC African Rhino Specialist Group, pp. 1-24


Emslie, R.H., 2007. African Rhino. Species 48: 12


Okita-Ouma, B.; Amin, R.; Adcock, K.; Emslie, R.H.; Kock, R., 2007. A positive turning point in black rhino conservation in Kenya: pp. 1-4, i-ii, 1-79

 In: Okita-Ouma, B. et al. Conservation and management strategy for the black rhino (Diceros bicornis michaeli) and management guidelines for the white rhino (Ceratotherium simum simum) in Kenya (2007-2011), third edition. Nairobi, KWS: pp. 1-70


Emslie, R.H.; Brooks, M., 2006. The African Rhino Specialist Group and its work. The Horn Newsletter 2006 Spring: 15, fig. 1


Amin, R.; Thomas, K.; Emslie, R.H.; Foose, T.J.; Strien, N.J.van, 2006. An overview of the conservation status and threats to rhinoceros species in the wild. International Zoo Yearbook 40: 96-117, figs. 1-5, tables 1-2


Amin, R.; Okita-Ouma, B.; Adcock, K.; Emslie, R.H.; Mulama, M.; Pearce-Kelly, P., 2006. An integrated management strategy for the conservation of Eastern black rhinoceros Diceros bicornis michaeli in Kenya. International Zoo Yearbook 40: 118-129, pls. 1-2, figs. 1-7


Emslie, R.H., 2006. Rhino population sizes and trends. Pachyderm 41: 100-105, tables 1-3


Du Toit, R.; Brooks, M.; Emslie, R.H., 2006. Strategic planning: pp. 3-16

 In: Du Toit, R. Guidelines for implementing SADC rhino conservation strategies. Harare, SADC Regional Programme for Rhino Conservation: pp. i-vii, 1-95


Du Toit, R.; Emslie, R.H., 2006. Maximizing incentives for rhino metapopulation management: pp. 17-28

 In: Du Toit, R. Guidelines for implementing SADC rhino conservation strategies. Harare, SADC Regional Programme for Rhino Conservation: pp. i-vii, 1-95


Emslie, R.H.; Du Toit, R., 2006. Ensuring optimal biological management: pp. 29-48

 In: Du Toit, R. Guidelines for implementing SADC rhino conservation strategies. Harare, SADC Regional Programme for Rhino Conservation: pp. i-vii, 1-95


Du Toit, R.; Mungwashu, L.; Emslie, R.H., 2006. Ensuring security of rhino populations: pp. 57-68

 In: Du Toit, R. Guidelines for implementing SADC rhino conservation strategies. Harare, SADC Regional Programme for Rhino Conservation: pp. i-vii, 1-95


Emslie, R.H., 2005. Managing a rhino project: pp. 104-106

 In: Fulconis, R. Save the rhinos: EAZA Rhino Campaign 2005/6 Info Pack. London, Save the Rhinos: pp. 1-164


Emslie, R.H., 2005. Rhino hunting: pp. 114-119

 In: Fulconis, R. Save the rhinos: EAZA Rhino Campaign 2005/6 Info Pack. London, Save the Rhinos: pp. 1-164


Emslie, R.H., 2005. The African Rhino Specialist Group (AfRSG). Proceedings of the EAZA Conference 2005 (Bristol): pp. 58-62


Emslie, R.H.; SADC, 2005. Report on hands-on training course in using wildlife investigator software. Harare, SADC Regional Programme for Rhino Conservation, pp. 1-7


Emslie, R.H.; Amin, R.; Bramer, M.; SADC, 2005. Summary report on progress with rhino horn fingerprinting and the way forwards. Harare, SADC Regional Programme for Rhino Conservation, pp. 1-12


Emslie, R.H.; SADC, 2005. Law enforcement database, pp. 19-23

 In: SADC Proceedings of the meeting of SADC rhino range states, Idle Winds Lodge, South Africa, 14-15 March 2005. Harare, SADC Regional Programme for Rhino Conservation: pp. 1-48


Emslie, R.H.; SADC, 2005. Update on CITES developments relevant to rhino conservation, p. 29

 In: SADC Proceedings of the meeting of SADC rhino range states, Idle Winds Lodge, South Africa, 14-15 March 2005. Harare, SADC Regional Programme for Rhino Conservation: pp. 1-48


Emslie, R.H., 2004. Black rhino hunting quotas approved for Namibia and South Africa at CITES Conference of the Parties 13. Pachyderm 37: 92-97


Reilly, T.; Reilly, M.; Emslie, R.H., 2004. Transfer of Swaziland's southern white rhino from CITES Appendix I to Appendix II. Pachyderm 37: 99-105, figs. 1-2


Brooks, M.; Emslie, R.H., 2004. African rhino. Species 42: 39-40


Emslie, R.H., 2004. CITES Rhino Resolution 9.14 (rev). Pachyderm 37: 105-106


Emslie, R.H., 2004. Rhino population sizes and trends. Pachyderm 37: 107-110, tables 1-3


Henley, S.; Whyte, I.; Castley, G.; Emslie, R.H., 2004. White rhinoceros, Ceratotherium simum: pp. 1-3

 In: Friedmann, Y. et al. Red data book of the mammals of South Africa: a conservation assessment. Johannesburg, CBSG-EWT


Castley, G.; Emslie, R.H., 2004. Black rhinoceros - arid ecotype, Diceros bicornis bicornis: pp. 1-3

 In: Friedmann, Y. et al. Red data book of the mammals of South Africa: a conservation assessment. Johannesburg, CBSG-EWT


Whyte, I.; Castley, G.; Emslie, R.H., 2004. Black rhinoceros, Diceros bicornis minor: pp. 1-3

 In: Friedmann, Y. et al. Red data book of the mammals of South Africa: a conservation assessment. Johannesburg, CBSG-EWT


Emslie, R.H.; SADC, 2004. Rhino 2.0: user's guide. Harare, SADC Regional Programme for Rhino Conservation, pp. 1-94


Emslie, R.H.; SADC, 2004. Rhino 2.0: user's guide. Harare, SADC Regional Programme for Rhino Conservation, pp. 1-94


Emslie, R.H.; SADC, 2004. Rhino 2.0: Bayesian mark recapture population estimation report - single simulation run. Harare, SADC Regional Programme for Rhino Conservation, pp. 1-11


Loutit, R.; Emslie, R.H.; Du Preez, P.; SADC, 2004. Additional report summarizing main lessons of wider applicability relating to training of staff in rhino ID monitoring techniques. Harare, SADC Regional Programme for Rhino Conservation, pp. 1-13


Emslie, R.H.; Amin, R.; Davey, K.; SADC, 2004. Rhino 2.0: reference manual (partners users' guide). Harare, SADC Regional Programme for Rhino Conservation, pp. 1-69


Amin, R.; Bramer, M.; Emslie, R.H., 2003. Intelligent data analysis for conservation: experiments with rhino horn fingerprint identification. Knowledge-Based Systems 16 (5): 329-336


Emslie, R.H., 2003. Workshop proceedings on biological management of the black rhino now available online. Pachyderm 34: 94


Emslie, R.H.; Amin, R.; Davey, K., 2003. New RHINO 2.0 population estimation software scheduled for release. Pachyderm 34: 99-100


Emslie, R.H., 2003. AfRSG's training course in rhino monitoring revised and training courses for instructors held. Pachyderm 35: 154-157, figs. 1-4


Emslie, R.H., 2003. Rhino and elephant security group update. Pachyderm 35: 157-158, fig. 1


Emslie, R.H., 2003. Ngorongoro black rhino population dynamics: what does the data tell us?: pp. 7-8

 In: Mills, A. et al. Management of black rhino in the Ngorongoro Crater: A report on the workshop held at Serena Lodge, Ngorongoro, 3-4 September 2003. Nairobi, African Wildlife Foundation: pp. i-v, 1-21


Adcock, K.; Emslie, R.H.; SADC, 2003. Monitoring African rhino: an AfRSG update of "Sandwith's" training course for field ranger, 5th edition: trainee's guide. Harare, SADC Regional Programme for Rhino Conservation, pp. 1-14


Emslie, R.H.; SADC, 2003. Sources of funding for rhino consrvation and the role of the AfRSG, pp. 16-17

 In: SADC Proceedings of the meeting of the SADC Rhino Recovery Group (SADC RRG), Maun, Botswana, 11 March 2003. Harare, SADC Regional Programme for Rhino Conservation: pp. 1-34


Emslie, R.H.; SADC, 2003. Use of software tools for rhino conservation, p. 39

 In: SADC Proceedings of the meeting of the SADC rhino range states and consortium, Maun, Botswana, 12-13 March 2003. Harare, SADC Regional Programme for Rhino Conservation: pp. 1-76


Amin, R.J.; Emslie, R.H., 2002. Horn fingerprinting technique update. Pachyderm 32: 90-91


Emslie, R.H.; Brooks, M., 2002. How many southern white rhinos were there? A response to Kees Rookmaaker. Pachyderm 33: 100-101, table 1


Emslie, R.H., 2002. African rhino numbers continue to increase. Pachyderm 33: 103-107, tables 1-3


Potter, R.; Emslie, R.H., 2002. Progress in developing a Scene of the Crime training course. Pachyderm 33: 107-108


Emslie, R.H., 2002. RESG holds two more meetings. Pachyderm 33: 108


Radcliffe, R.W.; Hofmeyr, M.; Morkel, P.; Emslie, R.H.; Mavterson, C.; Buss, P., 2002. In situ ultrasonographic reproductive evalution of the female black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis) and white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum) in South Africa, year 2. Interim report USFWS RTCF (unpublished), [unpaginated]


Emslie, R.H., 2001. The African Rhino Specialist Group. Species 35: 21


Emslie, R.H., 2001. African Rhino Specialist Group. Species 36: 17-18


Emslie, R.H., 2001. Rhino security matters. Pachyderm 30: 98


Emslie, R.H., 2001. Rhino database workshop. Pachyderm 30: 98


Emslie, R.H., 2001. Rhino and elephant security group resusciated. Pachyderm 31: 82-83


Emslie, R.H., 2001. Workshop on biological management of black rhino. Pachyderm 31: 83-84


Emslie, R.H.; Amin, R., 2001. RHINO rewrite: an update. Pachyderm 30: 100-101


Osofsky, S.A.; Paglia, D.E.; Radcliffe, R.W.; Miller, R. E.; Emslie, R.H.; Foose, T.J.; Du Toit, R.; Atkinson, M.W., 2001. First, do no harm: a precautionary recommendation regarding the movement of black rhinos from overseas zoos back to Africa. Pachyderm 30: 17-23


Radcliffe, R.W.; Eyres, A.I.; Patton, M.L.; Czekala, N.M.; Emslie, R.H., 2001. Ultrasonographic characterization of ovarian events and fetal gestational parameters in two southern black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis minor) and correlation to fecal progesterone. Theriogenology 55: 1033-1049, figs. 1-6


Emslie, R.H., 2001. Detailed country reviews: South Africa, SANP, KZNW and other areas: pp. 36-46

 In: Brett, R. et al. SADC Regional programme for rhino conservation. Detailed country reviews: report. Harare, SADC Regional Programme for Rhino Conservation: pp. 1-115


Emslie, R.H., 2001. Detailed country reviews: Swaziland: pp. 78-83

 In: Brett, R. et al. SADC Regional programme for rhino conservation. Detailed country reviews: report. Harare, SADC Regional Programme for Rhino Conservation: pp. 1-115


Emslie, R.H., 2001. Detailed country reviews: Tanzania: pp. 98-105

 In: Brett, R. et al. SADC Regional programme for rhino conservation. Detailed country reviews: report. Harare, SADC Regional Programme for Rhino Conservation: pp. 1-115


Foose, T.J.; Emslie, R.H., 2000. Status of the Asian and African rhinoceroses: pp. 34-39

 In: Strien, N.J. van et al. Report on the Regional Meeting for India and Nepal of IUCN/SSC Asian Rhino Specialist Group. Doorn, Asian Rhino Specialist Group: [not paginated]


Emslie, R.H., 2000. SADC regional program for rhino conservation. Pachyderm 29: 53


Emslie, R.H., 2000. African rhinos numbering 13,000 for first time since the mid-1980s. Pachyderm 29: 53-56, tables 1-2


Emslie, R.H.; Brooks, M.; Lee-Thorp, J.; Jolles, A.; Smith, W.; Vermass, N., 2000. Progress with developing statistical models to determine the source and species of recovered illegal rhino horn in Africa based on analyses of its chemistry. Pachyderm 29: 56-57


Emslie, R.H., 2000. Sandwith's rhino identification training course for field rangers revised by the Africa Rhino Specialist Group. Pachyderm 29: 57


Emslie, R.H., 2000. African rhinos and CITES Conference of the Parties 11. Pachyderm 29: 58
